Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Day 11

 We may have internet, but we could sure do with a washing machine!
I've now been here for well over a week. The time has fairly ripped along, and now things are starting to fall into a kind of rhythm. The goats that roam the streets don't surprise me as much now, and the mangy dogs seem quite normal too. I thought that it would take longer to adjust to life here, but as I have lived in so many new and foreign places I think I can adapt quite fast. When you're a gypsy you have to. It's just another place: new one day, and normal the next. Do I want security? To stop moving? No I don't. It actually scares me to death.

Extra-mangy mangy dog. Poor old girl.
I'm still teaching the class English every day, for about 2-3 hours, until such time as we have a real English teacher. Any volunteers out there willing to help? Don't hurry though, I'm happy doing it for now! The only problem is that my English class seems to slip into a science lesson all too often. Science is one of my interests, so it only takes one question from a student about space or a planet and we're off on a tangent for the next hour, drawing the solar system, or discussing satellites! It's okay though, as they're still learning English and it keeps things interesting. I dish out some homework for them related to our discussion, and they learn some more. It's a win-win situation.
A pig's head for sale on the street. Click to enlarge - and see the flies!

1 comment:

  1. It's so cool reading this... you enjoying the teaching! Hm! :o) Well, obviously I already knew that you enjoy it, cause I've seen you at it - and you're good at it, too!
